Prof Dr İlke Evin Gencel, former project team member of COMPUSEL, will present the project outcomes at XII. International Congress on Curriculum and Instruction (ICCI EPOK 2024 - Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University.) The presentation will be shared on the proejct website after the congress takes place on October 10-12, 2024 with the main theme of "Curriculum in the Age of Social Complexity".
Partners continued to make progress on the research paper that would be submitted to an esteemed research journal "Frontiers in Psychology.
Although this was the last month funded by the EU and the Turkish NA, partners went on working to disseminate the project by initiating a research paper preparation process.
Partners went on the multiplier event organisations and reported on the piloting and multiplier event processes.
Multiplier Events of partners continued to take place.
Piloting courses with primary school students continued. Partners started to organise their multiplier events in the form of panel discussions. On 21-22nd of May 2024, Partners held the 3rd transnational meeting in Evora in Portugal. Mostly, piloting process results and multiplier event planning were handled at the meeting.
While teacher seminars were going on, the partners started the second leg of the piloting process, which was training courses with primary school students.
Partners started to get prepared for the teacher seminars which was the first leg of the piloting process.
COMPUSEL online meeting was held on 20 February 2024 between 13.00-15.00 pm (CET WINTER HOUR). University of Lodz project team led the meeting with COMU team. Partners discussed the piloting process in detail and revised the gudiebook progression as well.
Partners revised archived management documents.
The dubbing/voiceover process continued in December and Guidebook chapters made a good progress.
Partners started to add voiceovers to the videos in their own languages. Partners also started the Guidebook Preparation Process.
Partners sent the the lists of words (in their national languages) in the videos that appear on the screen. MELLIS added the words (in partner languages) to the storyboards and duplicated the videos accordingly.
MELLIS shared the first versions of the videos with the partners. Partners gave feedback and the rearrangement and correction process started.
The technical development for the videos went on in August 2023.
Partners agreed and started to write a paper for the upcoming 11th International Congress on Curriculum & Instruction, which was scheduled to take place in Aydın, Turkey, from October 26th to 28th, 2023.
The evaluation process started in April and completed in June 2023. The report included useful data regarding the quality of the meeting organisation. Meanwhile the technical process for the video development started as of the end of May and continued in this month. Partners worked on the interim report to be submitted to NA as well.
Partners revised their own stories and evaluated each other's stories. After deciding the final versions, they shared their stories on G-Drive and archived them. Most of the partners also completed the translation process for the curriculum and worksheets.
Altera Vita hosted the second meeting of COMPUSEL in Syros, Greece. Partners presented their work on the digital stories. The content of the stories was discussed at this meeting in detail. MELLIS participated in the meeting online because of the delayed amendments on the main agreement.
Partners started the digital story preparation process. For this purpose, MELLIS prepared a guideline and template for the stories' content and storyboards' preparation. COMU and other partners prepared a story for introducing it in the Greece Meeting.
Partners shared the first e-newsletter of COMPUSEL with their stakeholders. Altera Vita prepared an infographic for sharing and promoting the use of the project results. Curriculum Development process was an ongoing activity. During the process, a catastrophic earthquake happened in Türkiye affecting 10 cities around the Mediterranean and South Eastern Regions of the country. All partners conveyed their condolences and sorry for the damage and for our losses.
The work on the curriculum modules gained momentum. Partners worked individually and in teams to produce the content.
Mellis Ed-Tech joined the project partnership as of November 2022. The participation of our new partner also help reduce the challenges that may arise during the preparation of the project's digital teaching materials. Altera Vita started the e-newsletter preparation process.
UNIBUC & COMU coordinated the online meeting in two sessions. Partners spoke of the e-newsletter preparation process, project infographics, curriculum modules and timesheets during the meeting.
COMU submitted the progress report to the Turkish NA prepared with the contributions of the partners.
Partners revised the content of the knowledge paper and went on to develop the curriculum that would be used as a teacher training programme.
Partners started to translate the webpage contents of the project website. UE prepared a Sharing & Promotion Plan to boost the dissemination of the project results.
With the leadership of UNIBUC, partners went through the risks that may result in failure in some project activities. The mitigations were determined accordingly.
The meeting was a success with the participation of all partners. The management issues and work packages were handled in detail during the meeting sessions. After the meeting sessions on the first day, the partners came together for a social dinner and the next day, a cultural trip to Troy's antique museum took place.
Partners started to organise the introductory meetings to meet COMPUSEL with their faculty members, students and organisation staff members. Also, workshops with primary school teachers were planned and put into action.
ÇOMÜ signed the main agreement with the Turkish National Agency. Then the partner contracts were prepared and sent to the partners. Partners decided to hold the kick-off meeting in June in Çanakkale. Also, the social media accounts of the project were opened.
Partners went on to work on the knowledge paper. The project poster was prepared and shared.
The project logo samples were ready for the elections. Partners decided COMPUSEL logo by the majority of votes. Also, the knowledge paper template was prepared and the partners started to work on the knowledge paper.
COMPUSEL teams were set up in Türkiye, Greece, Poland, Portuguese and Romania. An email group and a cloud archive were created. Partners held the first online meeting and discussed the preparation process of the first project result (the curriculum).
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© 2022 Compusel. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) or The Turkish National Agency. Neither the European Union, EACEA, nor the Turkish National Agency can be held responsible for them. Intellectual Outputs are licensed under CC BY NC SA.