The online meeting was held on the Zoom platform. The representatives of the partner institutions were ready at the meeting, starting at the exact meeting time. The delegates of the partner institutions introduced themselves briefly leaving the main institutional presentations to the actual kick-off meeting. The project’s aims and objectives were revised briefly. It has been discussed that the knowledge paper was a document that would include information that formed the basis for the curriculum. Partners decided to prepare the knowledge paper as a result of literature reviews. At the meeting, management and sharing and promotion activities were handled in detail.
The international kick-off meeting of the COMPUSEL project was held with the leadership of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University on 17-18 June 2022 with the participation of İzmir Demokrasi University, University of Bucharest, University of Evora, University of Lodz, and Social Cooperative of Cyclades–Altera Vita. At the meeting, project results, management and promotion of the project results were handled in detail. Partners had a chance to discuss and exchange ideas about the issues regarding the project. After the meeting, partners visited the Troy Antique Museum and City together and met at a social dinner.
COMPUSEL Partners had a great meeting to discuss how to integrate computational thinking into social-emotional learning. COMPUSEL team discussed the details of the project issues and focused on developing a curriculum for primary education. The management and dissemination issues were also handled during the meeting.
On April 12-13, 2023, the second face-to-face project meeting was held in Syros, Greece, concerning the COMPUSEL project, which focuses in the incorporation of computational thinking activities to bolster the social-emotional learning of primary students. The meeting was organized by Altera Vita and saw partners of ÇOMÜ, UNIBUC, UE and UL present themselves physically while MELLIS was virtually present.
The SEL curriculum that needed to be completed as well as the feedback/corrections of the reviewed digital stories were amongst key issues addressed. Other concerns yet were quality assuring, project dissemination and risk management whose aim was to ensure that the project progressed as planned.
The University of Lodz was kindly hosting the third online meeting of the COMPUSEL project team, which took place on the 20th of February, 2024. The focus of the meeting has been on tightening the belt on what is in store for activities like seminars, piloting, and the Multiplier Event. Partners came to an agreement on the template for piloting activities which would entail at least one teacher per country and 20-25 students.
The team also looked into the status of the digital stories and the progress on the Teacher’s Guidebook. The venue for the next face-to-face meeting will be at Evora University in May 2024. The session closed with a positive note of feedback and collaborative energy looking ahead
On the dates of May 21-22, 2024, the University of Évora welcomed the 3rd meeting of COMPUSEL project. The meeting was commenced with greetings from Prof. Gabriela Almeida, and then speech given by Prof. Dr. Armando Raimundo and Prof. Dr. Adelinda Candeias outlining the structure and goals. The participants discussed translation, document uploading and changes in the Learning Management System in detail. The partners stressed the benefit of the project’s website and E-Twinning as means of connecting teachers from different countries. Coordination was done by Çiğdem Şahin Taşkın. The Polish partners reported very positive impressions from the piloting stage conducted with teachers during thermals with students.
Other discussions too covered the topics of appropriate structure, finances and management, such as timesheets, working day reports, and when to expect deliverables of quality and risk management. Strategies for dissemination by means of multiplier events and newsletters were covered at the meeting too, which included the intention to submit an article about the piloting process to the journal M Frontiers in Psychology. The closing of the event took place with the cultural excursion which bonded the cooperation and presented the historical sights of Évora.
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